There are a number of issues I want to discuss in the problem of analysing CRISPR inhibition or CRISPR activation (CRISPRi/a) screens. Most of this was learned during my postdoc at Stanford, working in the labs of Stanley Qi and Wing Hung Wong.


The most prevalant screen design is the classic treatment-control. The key to this design is to ensure that everything is the same between the treatment and control, except for the the effect you want to measure. For example, in gene essentiality screens the treatment is CRISPRi or CRISPRko treated and the the control is the untreated population. However, you need to make sure that everything else between the two conditions are the same. Another example is drug treatment screens to identify the mechanism or pathways of a drug. In this case, the CRISPRi/a treatment is applied to both treatment and control. The difference is that the treatment population is treated with the drug.

Another design, discussed in the Qi lab's neuron screen paper, is to compare positive vs negative selection. This is particularly relevant in the context of gain of function screens. In this design, the CRISPRi/a treatment is applied to the population. Then after the effect is allowed to set in, the population is selected for and against the desired phenotype. In the neuron screen this was beta-tubulin postive and beta-tubulin negative, respectively. This design should control for effects of the CRISPR modulation that are not associated with the desired phenotype.


The outcomes we see from the screen are the counts of sequenced guide RNAs, typically like a table below taken from Gilbert 2014. This is a genome-wide CRISPRi screen for ricin sensitivity/susceptibility.

In [1]:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install seaborn
Requirement already satisfied: seaborn in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (0.11.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.0 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from seaborn) (1.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=2.2 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from seaborn) (3.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.23 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from seaborn) (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from seaborn) (1.20.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (0.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.2.1 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (2.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (8.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pandas>=0.23->seaborn) (2021.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from cycler>=0.10->matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (1.15.0)
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 21.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn

data_loc = '20150112_ctxdta_crispri_mergedcountstable.txt'
gilbert_2014 = pd.read_csv(data_loc, sep = '\t', header = 0)
sgId sequence gene T0JEV T0MH treatedJEV treatedMH untreatedJEV untreatedMH
0 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268488.25... GACCAGATGGATTGTAGGGAGT A2M 988 1114 813 1116 1131 1050
1 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268495.24... GTTTGGGACCAGATGGATTGT A2M 587 592 356 526 670 507
2 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268513.26... GCCCAGTTGCTTTGGGAAGTGTT A2M 843 909 818 721 1057 867
3 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268524.25... GCAGCATAAAGCCCAGTTGCTT A2M 572 655 848 797 855 690
4 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268659.23... GGGATTCTATTTAGCCCGCC A2M 431 417 349 396 394 411
In [3]:
import numpy as np

def log2_fc(df, condition_col, control_col, zero_correction = 1):
  # formula is log2(treatment_prob/condition_prob)
  # where x_prob is relative proportion
  # x_prob = (count + zero_correction) / sum(count + zero_correction)
  # more accurate to work in log space
  log_num = np.log2(df[condition_col] + zero_correction) - np.log2(sum(df[condition_col] + zero_correction))
  log_denom = np.log2(df[control_col] + zero_correction) - np.log2(sum(df[control_col] + zero_correction))
  return log_num - log_denom

gilbert_2014['essential_lfc_JEV'] = log2_fc(gilbert_2014, "untreatedJEV", "T0JEV")
gilbert_2014['essential_lfc_MH'] = log2_fc(gilbert_2014, "untreatedMH", "T0MH")
gilbert_2014['ricin_lfc_MH'] = log2_fc(gilbert_2014, "treatedMH", "untreatedMH")
gilbert_2014['ricin_lfc_JEV'] = log2_fc(gilbert_2014, "treatedJEV", "untreatedJEV")

sgId sequence gene T0JEV T0MH treatedJEV treatedMH untreatedJEV untreatedMH essential_lfc_JEV essential_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_JEV
0 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268488.25... GACCAGATGGATTGTAGGGAGT A2M 988 1114 813 1116 1131 1050 0.054000 -0.054468 0.121453 -0.336574
1 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268495.24... GTTTGGGACCAGATGGATTGT A2M 587 592 356 526 670 507 0.049665 -0.192390 0.086561 -0.771189
2 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268513.26... GCCCAGTTGCTTTGGGAAGTGTT A2M 843 909 818 721 1057 867 0.185193 -0.037358 -0.232110 -0.230205
3 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268524.25... GCAGCATAAAGCCCAGTTGCTT A2M 572 655 848 797 855 690 0.438244 0.105803 0.241289 0.127353
4 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268659.23... GGGATTCTATTTAGCCCGCC A2M 431 417 349 396 394 411 -0.270010 0.009955 -0.019919 -0.035298
In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = seaborn.scatterplot(x = "essential_lfc_JEV", y = "essential_lfc_MH", 
                         data = gilbert_2014, alpha = 0.1, color = 'black')
ax.set_title("Distribution of essential log2 fold changes")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of essential log2 fold changes')
In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = seaborn.scatterplot(x = "ricin_lfc_JEV", y = "ricin_lfc_MH", 
                         data = gilbert_2014, alpha = 0.1, color = 'black')
ax.set_title("Distribution of ricin log2 fold changes")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of ricin log2 fold changes')

We see that the distribution of the log fold changes of the "essential" experiment is towards the negative side, while for the "ricin" experiment it goes both ways but mostly towards the postive side. This is a definite difference in the experiments.

Moderated log fold change

We see a lot of noise in the above plots. Except for the extreme outliers it's difficult to determine what the signal and what's the noise. A good solution to this problem is using a moderated log fold change. There are a number of packages to compute this. The basic idea behind all of them is to smooth the log fold changes towards zero, accounting for noise from sequencing, usually based on a negative binomial regression. I particularly like DESeq2, but it's implemented in R.

In [6]:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install rpy2
Requirement already satisfied: rpy2 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (3.4.5)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.10.0 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from rpy2) (1.14.5)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from rpy2) (2.11.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from rpy2) (2021.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tzlocal in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from rpy2) (4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from cffi>=1.10.0->rpy2) (2.20)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from jinja2->rpy2) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz-deprecation-shim in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from tzlocal->rpy2) (0.1.0.post0)
Requirement already satisfied: tzdata; python_version >= "3.6" in /Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytz-deprecation-shim->tzlocal->rpy2) (2021.2.post0)
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 21.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/Users/tim.daley/git/interviews/engineer/blog/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
In [7]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
In [8]:
import warnings
%R require(DESeq2); require(ggplot2); 
%Rpush gilbert_2014
%R counts = gilbert_2014[, c(4, 5, 8, 9)]; coldata = data.frame(condition = c(0, 0, 1, 1), rep = c(0, 1, 0, 1)); \
  rownames(coldata) = colnames(counts);\
  WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = coldata, design = ~ condition);\
  WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq = DESeq2::DESeq(WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq);\
  WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq = DESeq2::results(WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq);\
  log2fc = WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq$log2FoldChange;\
  adj_pvals = WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentUntreatedVsDay0DESeq$padj
%Rpull log2fc adj_pvals
R[write to console]: Loading required package: DESeq2

R[write to console]: Loading required package: S4Vectors

R[write to console]: Loading required package: stats4

R[write to console]: Loading required package: BiocGenerics

R[write to console]: Loading required package: parallel

R[write to console]: 
Attaching package: ‘BiocGenerics’

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:parallel’:

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames,
    dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, grep,
    grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply, match, mget,
    order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, Position, rank,
    rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
    union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min

R[write to console]: 
Attaching package: ‘S4Vectors’

R[write to console]: The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:


R[write to console]: Loading required package: IRanges

R[write to console]: Loading required package: GenomicRanges

R[write to console]: Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb

R[write to console]: Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment

R[write to console]: Loading required package: Biobase

R[write to console]: Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

R[write to console]: Loading required package: DelayedArray

R[write to console]: Loading required package: matrixStats

R[write to console]: 
Attaching package: ‘matrixStats’

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:Biobase’:

    anyMissing, rowMedians

R[write to console]: 
Attaching package: ‘DelayedArray’

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:matrixStats’:

    colMaxs, colMins, colRanges, rowMaxs, rowMins, rowRanges

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    aperm, apply, rowsum

R[write to console]: Loading required package: ggplot2

R[write to console]:   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
  specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
  did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
  this variable to a factor using the factor() function

R[write to console]: estimating size factors

R[write to console]: estimating dispersions

R[write to console]: gene-wise dispersion estimates

R[write to console]: mean-dispersion relationship

R[write to console]: -- note: fitType='parametric', but the dispersion trend was not well captured by the
   function: y = a/x + b, and a local regression fit was automatically substituted.
   specify fitType='local' or 'mean' to avoid this message next time.

R[write to console]: final dispersion estimates

R[write to console]: fitting model and testing

In [9]:
gilbert_2014['essential_moderated_log2fc'] = log2fc
gilbert_2014['essential_moderated_adj_pval'] = adj_pvals
sgId sequence gene T0JEV T0MH treatedJEV treatedMH untreatedJEV untreatedMH essential_lfc_JEV essential_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_JEV essential_moderated_log2fc essential_moderated_adj_pval
0 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268488.25... GACCAGATGGATTGTAGGGAGT A2M 988 1114 813 1116 1131 1050 0.054000 -0.054468 0.121453 -0.336574 -0.026463 0.999736
1 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268495.24... GTTTGGGACCAGATGGATTGT A2M 587 592 356 526 670 507 0.049665 -0.192390 0.086561 -0.771189 -0.087428 0.996625
2 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268513.26... GCCCAGTTGCTTTGGGAAGTGTT A2M 843 909 818 721 1057 867 0.185193 -0.037358 -0.232110 -0.230205 0.052726 0.999736
3 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268524.25... GCAGCATAAAGCCCAGTTGCTT A2M 572 655 848 797 855 690 0.438244 0.105803 0.241289 0.127353 0.251089 0.536598
4 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268659.23... GGGATTCTATTTAGCCCGCC A2M 431 417 349 396 394 411 -0.270010 0.009955 -0.019919 -0.035298 -0.156360 0.960393
In [10]:
import warnings
%R require(DESeq2); require(ggplot2); 
%Rpush gilbert_2014
%R counts = gilbert_2014[, c(8, 9, 6, 7)]; coldata = data.frame(condition = c(0, 0, 1, 1), rep = c(0, 1, 0, 1)); \
  rownames(coldata) = colnames(counts);\
  WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = coldata, design = ~ condition);\
  WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq = DESeq2::DESeq(WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq);\
  WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq = DESeq2::results(WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq);\
  log2fc = WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq$log2FoldChange;\
  adj_pvals = WeissmanCRISPRiRicinTreatmentDESeq$padj
%Rpull log2fc adj_pvals
R[write to console]:   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
  specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
  did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
  this variable to a factor using the factor() function

R[write to console]: estimating size factors

R[write to console]: estimating dispersions

R[write to console]: gene-wise dispersion estimates

R[write to console]: mean-dispersion relationship

R[write to console]: final dispersion estimates

R[write to console]: fitting model and testing

In [11]:
gilbert_2014['ricin_moderated_log2fc'] = log2fc
gilbert_2014['ricin_moderated_adj_pval'] = adj_pvals
sgId sequence gene T0JEV T0MH treatedJEV treatedMH untreatedJEV untreatedMH essential_lfc_JEV essential_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_JEV essential_moderated_log2fc essential_moderated_adj_pval ricin_moderated_log2fc ricin_moderated_adj_pval
0 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268488.25... GACCAGATGGATTGTAGGGAGT A2M 988 1114 813 1116 1131 1050 0.054000 -0.054468 0.121453 -0.336574 -0.026463 0.999736 0.085196 0.984008
1 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268495.24... GTTTGGGACCAGATGGATTGT A2M 587 592 356 526 670 507 0.049665 -0.192390 0.086561 -0.771189 -0.087428 0.996625 -0.151280 0.974268
2 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268513.26... GCCCAGTTGCTTTGGGAAGTGTT A2M 843 909 818 721 1057 867 0.185193 -0.037358 -0.232110 -0.230205 0.052726 0.999736 -0.054219 0.990361
3 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268524.25... GCAGCATAAAGCCCAGTTGCTT A2M 572 655 848 797 855 690 0.438244 0.105803 0.241289 0.127353 0.251089 0.536598 0.358094 0.832268
4 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=A2M_+_9268659.23... GGGATTCTATTTAGCCCGCC A2M 431 417 349 396 394 411 -0.270010 0.009955 -0.019919 -0.035298 -0.156360 0.960393 0.150326 0.973473

Let's compare the moderated log fold changes to the average of the individual log fold changes.

In [12]:
gilbert_2014['ricin_lfc_avg'] = gilbert_2014[['ricin_lfc_MH', 'ricin_lfc_JEV']].mean(axis=1)
gilbert_2014['essential_lfc_avg'] = gilbert_2014[['essential_lfc_JEV', 'essential_lfc_MH']].mean(axis=1)
In [13]:
seaborn.scatterplot(x = 'essential_moderated_log2fc', y = 'essential_lfc_avg', 
                    data = gilbert_2014, alpha = 0.2, color = 'black')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='essential_moderated_log2fc', ylabel='essential_lfc_avg'>
In [14]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for x in ['essential_moderated_log2fc', 'essential_lfc_avg']:
    seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[x], ax=ax, label = x)
ax.set_xlim(-12, 6)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x138a02610>
In [15]:
seaborn.scatterplot(x = 'ricin_moderated_log2fc', y = 'ricin_lfc_avg', 
                    data = gilbert_2014, alpha = 0.2, color = 'black')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='ricin_moderated_log2fc', ylabel='ricin_lfc_avg'>
In [16]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for x in ['ricin_moderated_log2fc', 'ricin_lfc_avg']:
    seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[x], ax=ax, label = x)
ax.set_xlim(-12, 6)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13b5d2610>
In [17]:
[gilbert_2014['ricin_moderated_log2fc'].mean(), gilbert_2014['ricin_lfc_avg'].mean()]
[0.024711828301861735, -0.19521762342504134]

Note the difference in means between the moderated log fold change and the average of the individual log fold changes. The former is close to zero, while the latter seems a bit different than zero. It's worth checking the distribution of negative control guides.

In [18]:
negative_control    10569
EIF4G2                 56
EIF5A                  52
MATR3                  50
UBTF                   50
RGS18                   6
GZMK                    6
PTPRQ                   6
ZNF705D                 4
IFNA6                   4
Name: gene, Length: 15976, dtype: int64
In [19]:
neg_ctrl_flag = (gilbert_2014['gene'] == 'negative_control')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[neg_ctrl_flag]['ricin_moderated_log2fc'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'negative control', color = 'darkred')
seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[~neg_ctrl_flag]['ricin_moderated_log2fc'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'gene targeting', color = 'skyblue')
ax.set_xlim(-12, 6)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1370911f0>
In [20]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[neg_ctrl_flag]['ricin_lfc_avg'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'negative control', color = 'darkred')
seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[~neg_ctrl_flag]['ricin_lfc_avg'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'gene targeting', color = 'skyblue')
ax.set_xlim(-12, 6)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x138ad51f0>

The importance of negative controls

Negative control guides give us an estimate of the null distribution. It's always good to check the distribution of the negative control guides. One thing to check is whether the peaks of the gene targeting and the peak of the negative control guides match up. This validates the assumption that most genes have no effect. The other main thing to check is if there's a over-representation of the gene targeting guides in the tail in which you expect the signal to lie. For example, in the essential log fold change we expect an over-representation towards the negative end of the log fold change. This gives us an assurance that there is a signal present in the data.

In [21]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[neg_ctrl_flag]['essential_moderated_log2fc'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'negative control', color = 'darkred')
seaborn.kdeplot(gilbert_2014[~neg_ctrl_flag]['essential_moderated_log2fc'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'gene targeting', color = 'skyblue')
ax.set_xlim(-12, 0)
ax.set_ylim(0, 0.2)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x138b175b0>

When the negative control and gene targeting distributions don't match up

A pernicious problem is when the distributions of the negative controls and gene targeting guides don't match up. I've seen this once before, in our neuron screen. This was an activation screen of transcription factors that led mouse embryonic stem cells to differentiation to neurons. But there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this behavior. If a transcription factor is associated with some cell fate other than neurons then we should expect that those factors would be depleted (compared to the negative control, which have some non-zero base rate of neuron differentation). This would be true even if a non-negligible number of transcription factors would lead to non-neuronal fates.

In [22]:
neuron = pd.read_csv('NeuronPerfectMatchCounts.txt', sep = '\t')
guide gene distance2TSS plasmid_rep1 plasmid_rep2 CD8_pos_rep1 CD8_neg_rep1 CD8_pos_rep2 CD8_neg_rep2
0 GGGTATCTGGACTAGAAGCC Sox17 128 249 400 50 196 3 21
1 GTTTGAGTGTGATACCGCTG Sox17 170 197 287 190 286 363 582
2 GTATCACACTCAAACAGTGC Sox17 178 539 517 1462 2171 111 193
3 GACCTGAGGCTCGAAAGGCT Sox17 241 198 278 604 76 11 21
4 GCTGTGCCCGTAACCATTTG Sox17 291 372 455 184 688 223 159
In [23]:
random    8237
Hmga1      825
Nfatc2     807
Aire       632
Tcf3       530
Mir15a       9
Gm4736       5
Zfp628       4
Obox3        3
Obox5        2
Name: gene, Length: 824, dtype: int64
In [24]:
# there are micro RNA's in the library.  need to subset to TFs only
mir_flag = neuron['gene'].str.startswith('Mir')
neuron = neuron[~mir_flag]
False    97388
True      3497
Name: gene, dtype: int64
(100885, 9)
(97388, 9)
In [25]:
neuron['pos_vs_neg_lfc_rep1'] = log2_fc(neuron, "CD8_pos_rep1", "CD8_neg_rep1")
neuron['pos_vs_neg_lfc_rep2'] = log2_fc(neuron, "CD8_pos_rep2", "CD8_neg_rep2")
neuron['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'] = neuron[['pos_vs_neg_lfc_rep1', 'pos_vs_neg_lfc_rep2']].mean(axis=1)
guide gene distance2TSS plasmid_rep1 plasmid_rep2 CD8_pos_rep1 CD8_neg_rep1 CD8_pos_rep2 CD8_neg_rep2 pos_vs_neg_lfc_rep1 pos_vs_neg_lfc_rep2 pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg
0 GGGTATCTGGACTAGAAGCC Sox17 128 249 400 50 196 3 21 -1.661383 -2.397803 -2.029593
1 GTTTGAGTGTGATACCGCTG Sox17 170 197 287 190 286 363 582 -0.299234 -0.617929 -0.458581
2 GTATCACACTCAAACAGTGC Sox17 178 539 517 1462 2171 111 193 -0.281850 -0.730929 -0.506390
3 GACCTGAGGCTCGAAAGGCT Sox17 241 198 278 604 76 11 21 3.262249 -0.812840 1.224704
4 GCTGTGCCCGTAACCATTTG Sox17 291 372 455 184 688 223 159 -1.608735 0.547056 -0.530840
In [26]:
random    8237
Hmga1      825
Nfatc2     807
Aire       632
Tcf3       530
Mycs        10
Gm4736       5
Zfp628       4
Obox3        3
Obox5        2
Name: gene, Length: 786, dtype: int64
In [27]:
neg_ctrl_flag = (neuron['gene'] == 'random')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
seaborn.kdeplot(neuron[neg_ctrl_flag]['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'negative control', color = 'darkred')
seaborn.kdeplot(neuron[~neg_ctrl_flag]['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'], ax=ax, 
                label = 'gene targeting', color = 'skyblue')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13897ce50>

The solution proposed by Salil Bhate was to calcaulte a score of the enrichment of the gene targeting guides compared to the negative controls.

In [28]:
import random 
import statistics

def enrich_score(scores, neg_ctrl_scores):
    assert(len(scores) == len(neg_ctrl_scores))
    return(statistics.mean(scores) - statistics.mean(neg_ctrl_scores))

def cal_enrich(gene_targeting_guides, neg_ctrl_guides, n_bootstraps = 10000):
    n_gene = len(gene_targeting_guides)
    samples_scores = []
    for i in range(n_bootstraps):
        neg_ctrl_sample = random.sample(neg_ctrl_guides, n_gene)
        samples_scores.append(enrich_score(gene_targeting_guides, neg_ctrl_sample))
    return statistics.mean(samples_scores)

g = 'Gm4736'
guides = neuron[neuron['gene'] == g]['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'].tolist()

neg_ctrl_guides = neuron[neuron['gene'] == 'random']['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'].tolist()

neg_ctrl_sample = random.sample(neg_ctrl_guides, len(guides))

cal_enrich(neuron[neuron['gene'] == g]['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'].tolist(),
           neuron[neuron['gene'] == 'random']['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'].tolist())
[-0.051638582979339986, -0.5709901880241777, 0.17943040819011102, 0.17943040819011102, 0.5476740973761256]
[-1.5268412000817353, 3.888907026395401, 2.5909816179634557, 0.9260165549450683, -0.3309388391867021]
In [29]:
genes = neuron['gene'].unique().tolist()
gene_scores = pd.DataFrame({'gene': genes})
gene_scores['score'] = \
  gene_scores['gene'].map(lambda g: cal_enrich(neuron[neuron['gene'] == g]['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'].tolist(),
                                               neuron[neuron['gene'] == 'random']['pos_vs_neg_lfc_avg'].tolist()))
gene_scores['n_guides'] = gene_scores['gene'].map(lambda g: sum(neuron['gene'] == g))
gene score n_guides
0 Sox17 -0.347266 252
1 Mybl1 -0.426841 48
2 Ncoa2 -0.432888 72
3 Msc 0.169258 60
4 Arid5a -0.015604 237
In [30]:
gene_scores.sort_values(by = 'score', ascending = False).head(30)
gene score n_guides
216 Obox5 2.404559 2
86 Snai1 1.029969 82
205 Zfp239 0.926932 40
6 Pou3f3 0.874267 60
201 Pcbp1 0.818536 40
280 Zfp423 0.815143 138
212 Zfp628 0.812128 4
500 Pcbp2 0.794597 65
572 Foxd4 0.763076 38
604 Pax3 0.731000 141
124 Foxd3 0.723851 78
407 Sox11 0.723564 62
42 Ptf1a 0.667576 96
409 Twist1 0.633802 82
541 Zbtb12 0.611154 44
171 Foxk1 0.592274 34
135 Nfyc 0.571604 93
556 Pura 0.568692 37
342 Ascl1 0.566426 78
475 Zic2 0.548996 127
454 Foxd1 0.521924 82
82 Tgif2 0.519055 258
542 Pou5f1 0.517626 169
23 Myog 0.514009 110
391 Ikzf3 0.508076 31
563 Smad7 0.481705 114
239 Myod1 0.480629 148
112 Pou3f2 0.475212 90
444 Neurog1 0.474284 116
645 Nr1h2 0.473144 36
In [31]:
gene_scores['score'].hist(bins = 25, color = 'black')
In [32]:

We see a lot of these genes overlap with the original list, though it doesn't correspond exactly. But that's not totally unexpected. We also see that the median of the gene scores is slightly negative, which means that most gene scores are negative. We cannot assume there that a null gene has zero effect, relative to the negative controls. Instead most genes have a negative effect. Seems strange, but it can trip you up.

Sorry for the aside, let's return to the Gilbert data.

Combining guide level measurements

We now come to the problem of how to combine information at the guide level to make inferences at the gene level. Simple methods, such as taking the mean of the guide-level log fold changes will ignore issues such as non-working guides or off-target effects.

With these types of screens it's difficult to know the ground truth. We usually have to use proxy information in order to judge how good our inferences are, such as GO terms of the top hits. Essential screens are pretty well studied. Hart et al, 2014 compiled a list of common essential genes across a number of a number of different studies. We can use this as a "ground truth" to compare different methods.

In [33]:
essential_genes = pd.read_csv("core-essential-genes-sym_HGNCID.txt", sep = '\t', 
                              header = None, names = ['gene', 'hgnc'])
(1580, 2)
gene hgnc
1 AARS2 HGNC:21022
4 AATF HGNC:19235
In [34]:

Combining p-values

There's a few ways to combine p-values. Fisher's method, Stouffer's method, and robust rank aggregation (which MAGeCK uses). Let's compare them. But one thing to account for is that the default implementation of Stouffer's method in scipy.stats won't distinguish the two sided p-values. So we need to do it ourselves.

In [35]:
import scipy.stats as stats
import math

def stouffers_method(pvals, orig_z_vals):
    assert(pvals.shape == orig_z_vals.shape)
    # convert p-values to z_values
    # don't know why scipy uses point percent function to refer to the quantile function
    transformed_zvals = np.sign(orig_z_vals)* p: stats.norm.ppf(p/2.0))
    z = sum(transformed_zvals)/math.sqrt(pvals.shape[0])
    # the absolute value of the z-value is half-normally distributed
    # P(x > |z|) = 1 - 2*(phi(|z|) - 0.5)
    return 1.0 - 2.0*(stats.norm.cdf(abs(z)) - 0.5)

# test if opposite signs cancel
def test_stouffers():
    test_pvals = pd.Series([0.05, 0.05])
    test_zvals = pd.Series([-2.16, 2.16])
    return stouffers_method(test_pvals, test_zvals)
In [36]:
gilbert_gene_lvl = pd.DataFrame({'gene': gilbert_2014['gene'].unique().tolist()})
gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_stouffer_pval'] = gilbert_gene_lvl['gene'].map(lambda g: stouffers_method(gilbert_2014[gilbert_2014['gene'] == g]['essential_moderated_adj_pval'], 
                                                                                                      gilbert_2014[gilbert_2014['gene'] == g]['essential_moderated_log2fc']))
gene essential_stouffer_pval
0 A2M 8.509142e-01
1 A4GALT 6.993867e-01
2 AACS 3.940236e-01
3 AATF 7.682743e-14
4 ABCA13 7.684682e-01
In [37]:
from scipy.stats import combine_pvalues

fishers_pvals = gilbert_2014[['gene', 'essential_moderated_adj_pval']].groupby('gene', as_index = False)\
                                                                      .agg(lambda p: combine_pvalues(p)[1])
fishers_pvals.rename(columns = {'essential_moderated_adj_pval': 'essential_fisher_pval'},
                     inplace = True)
gene essential_fisher_pval
0 1-Dec 0.999999
1 1-Mar 1.000000
2 1-Sep 0.995081
3 10-Mar NaN
4 10-Sep 1.000000
In [38]:
gilbert_gene_lvl = gilbert_gene_lvl.merge(fishers_pvals, on = 'gene', how = 'inner')
(15976, 2)
(15976, 3)
gene essential_stouffer_pval essential_fisher_pval
0 A2M 8.509142e-01 1.000000e+00
1 A4GALT 6.993867e-01 1.000000e+00
2 AACS 3.940236e-01 9.959100e-01
3 AATF 7.682743e-14 1.081587e-27
4 ABCA13 7.684682e-01 1.000000e+00
In [39]:
# I noticed N/A's above.  Let's see if they're identical
print("number with stouffer N/A: ", sum(gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_stouffer_pval'].isna()))
print("number with fisher N/A: ", sum(gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_fisher_pval'].isna()))
print("number with both N/A: ", sum(gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_fisher_pval'].isna() & \
number with stouffer N/A:  1063
number with fisher N/A:  1063
number with both N/A:  1063

Cool! Looks like the missing p-values are the same for both method. Let's see if we can figure out why.

In [40]:
gene essential_stouffer_pval essential_fisher_pval
139 ANGPT2 NaN NaN
187 ARID1A NaN NaN
453 CD40LG NaN NaN
821 DUX4 NaN NaN
871 ELN NaN NaN
In [41]:
gilbert_2014[gilbert_2014['gene'].isin(['ANGPT2', 'ARID1A', 'CD40LG'])]
sgId sequence gene T0JEV T0MH treatedJEV treatedMH untreatedJEV untreatedMH essential_lfc_JEV essential_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_MH ricin_lfc_JEV essential_moderated_log2fc essential_moderated_adj_pval ricin_moderated_log2fc ricin_moderated_adj_pval ricin_lfc_avg essential_lfc_avg
1718 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_+_6420678... GACACAGCCCTCCCAAGTGAGC ANGPT2 625 689 641 569 738 704 0.098580 0.061840 -0.273075 -0.063802 0.054315 0.999736 0.012386 0.997272 -0.168438 0.080210
1719 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_+_6420729... GGATCTGGGGAGAGAGGAACAA ANGPT2 642 585 346 587 783 622 0.145203 0.119145 -0.049830 -1.036719 0.108920 0.987145 -0.327465 0.917055 -0.543274 0.132174
1720 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_+_6420737... GACACTGTAGGATCTGGGGAGAG ANGPT2 470 567 744 298 571 670 0.139456 0.271235 -1.132581 0.520425 0.184226 0.897740 0.016118 0.997709 -0.306078 0.205346
1721 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_+_6420746... GATACTGACACTGTAGGATC ANGPT2 675 930 652 448 819 890 0.137769 -0.032542 -0.955124 -0.189341 0.017666 0.999736 -0.370208 0.870948 -0.572233 0.052613
1722 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_+_6420752... GATTCGGATACTGACACTGT ANGPT2 1807 1810 1582 1603 2188 1974 0.135046 0.155879 -0.266592 -0.328411 0.119888 0.784776 -0.120716 0.963820 -0.297502 0.145463
1723 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_+_6420789... GCTCTTATCAACTTATCATATA ANGPT2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.140832 0.030813 0.033586 0.139199 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.086393 -0.055009
1724 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_-_6420667... GTAAACTGTCAGATTGCAG ANGPT2 709 760 628 568 813 906 0.056378 0.284019 -0.639088 -0.232769 0.148588 0.901040 -0.260508 0.915055 -0.435928 0.170199
1725 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_-_6420691... GAAGAACAGTCCTGCTCACTT ANGPT2 395 392 314 588 458 469 0.072162 0.288945 0.359193 -0.403943 0.155260 0.956851 0.218926 0.963503 -0.022375 0.180553
1726 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_-_6420832... GATAAGAGCAGCCAGACATGTGTAG ANGPT2 1204 1283 843 1148 1221 1077 -0.120621 -0.221475 0.125608 -0.394730 -0.195593 0.447121 0.056322 0.990337 -0.134561 -0.171048
1727 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ANGPT2_-_6420833... GAGCAGCCAGACATGTGTAGT ANGPT2 1313 1269 1010 1188 1442 1313 -0.005726 0.079950 -0.110630 -0.374089 0.010341 0.999736 -0.061964 0.987661 -0.242360 0.037112
2317 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702251... GACTCTCCGCTTTCTGCTGC ARID1A 745 762 539 441 736 843 -0.158343 0.176373 -0.899610 -0.309506 -0.011429 0.999736 -0.424945 0.806955 -0.604558 0.009015
2318 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702262... GCTCTGTAGGCTCGGGACC ARID1A 34 61 59 77 43 47 0.189317 -0.338420 0.734026 0.586658 -0.145774 0.999736 0.855925 0.871925 0.660342 -0.074552
2319 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702272... Gctcctctcccccccgccccgc ARID1A 171 176 207 201 232 180 0.297090 0.063054 0.191952 -0.024547 0.163607 0.991712 0.253817 0.960213 0.083702 0.180072
2320 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702278... Ggctgccctccccacccgccc ARID1A 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.140832 0.030813 0.033586 0.139199 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.086393 -0.055009
2321 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702286... GTCTCGTCCGCGGAGAGACC ARID1A 342 358 322 702 375 413 -0.008308 0.236460 0.797480 -0.079999 0.091994 0.997765 0.634014 0.777153 0.358741 0.114076
2322 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702292... GCGGCGGGTTGCCCAGGCTGC ARID1A 511 532 410 1170 520 515 -0.115692 -0.015951 1.215884 -0.202946 -0.091562 0.993440 0.866134 0.615286 0.506469 -0.065822
2323 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702292... GGCGGCGGCGGCGGGTTGCCC ARID1A 247 228 308 179 324 269 0.249268 0.268425 -0.551376 0.066367 0.234704 0.923972 -0.013157 0.997851 -0.242505 0.258847
2324 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702295... GGCTTTCTTCAGCTCCGAGGG ARID1A 790 1013 854 480 1092 910 0.325712 -0.123721 -0.887828 -0.215098 0.072590 0.996342 -0.314418 0.920233 -0.551463 0.100995
2325 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702305... GGGGCCCTCGCTTTCCTGCC ARID1A 541 510 379 496 438 393 -0.444904 -0.344314 0.368636 -0.069022 -0.422776 0.091847 0.337701 0.899128 0.149807 -0.394609
2326 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_+_2702309... GTCCTGCAGCTCCTTTCCCAG ARID1A 957 879 1023 899 1150 986 0.123959 0.196360 -0.099539 -0.029473 0.133119 0.920551 0.114926 0.973934 -0.064506 0.160159
2327 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702254... GCAGAAAGCGGAGAGTCACAG ARID1A 1399 1444 1931 2323 1595 1436 0.048202 0.022804 0.727136 0.414834 0.010417 0.999736 0.752902 0.088016 0.570985 0.035503
2328 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702259... GCCCCCCTCATTCCCAGGCAA ARID1A 518 503 624 588 531 669 -0.105140 0.441551 -0.152307 0.371629 0.154616 0.959416 0.274976 0.921261 0.109661 0.168205
2329 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702262... GGGGAATGAGCCGGGAGAGCC ARID1A 1040 1162 1219 1159 1219 1153 0.088079 0.019605 0.041068 0.139199 0.027664 0.999736 0.268680 0.877806 0.090134 0.053842
2330 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702272... GccAGCCCGGAGCCTGAGCCgg ARID1A 859 951 825 1272 1001 910 0.079642 -0.032697 0.516296 -0.139469 -0.002022 0.999843 0.395721 0.825335 0.188413 0.023473
2331 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702276... Gagcgagcgcagcgcagcag ARID1A 896 1142 761 769 988 1069 0.000031 -0.064401 -0.441094 -0.236980 -0.061360 0.998586 -0.164600 0.956437 -0.339037 -0.032185
2332 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702279... Gcgaggcccgcccgggcgggt ARID1A 442 461 301 1127 520 628 0.093145 0.475981 0.876221 -0.647535 0.268799 0.664981 0.565885 0.882205 0.114343 0.284563
2333 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702289... GGACGAGACAGCGGGGATCA ARID1A 1150 1288 1470 1121 1339 1321 0.078513 0.067283 -0.203063 0.273764 0.046741 0.999165 0.228261 0.924375 0.035350 0.072898
2334 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702304... GgcCGAGCGCGGGGAAATGA ARID1A 843 791 466 697 1077 919 0.212211 0.246947 -0.364821 -1.067663 0.203918 0.650802 -0.516246 0.711782 -0.716242 0.229579
2335 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702308... GGAAAGCGAGGGCCCCGCCG ARID1A 480 491 598 396 472 533 -0.165028 0.148995 -0.394114 0.479915 -0.029334 0.999736 0.249278 0.947266 0.042900 -0.008017
2336 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=ARID1A_-_2702313... GGACGGGGCCGAGAGCAATG ARID1A 759 754 681 503 910 735 0.120620 -0.005958 -0.512696 -0.278480 0.036317 0.999736 -0.204848 0.953583 -0.395588 0.057331
5576 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_+_1357303... GTCAAAGTGGCCACCTTACTC CD40LG 548 593 351 357 558 730 -0.114790 0.330222 -0.996326 -0.528073 0.099328 0.994684 -0.603928 0.655443 -0.762199 0.107716
5577 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_+_1357303... GTTAAAGTTGAAATGGTATCTTC CD40LG 734 885 1060 667 824 866 0.025818 -0.000461 -0.342598 0.502158 -0.014592 0.999736 0.297952 0.915055 0.079780 0.012678
5578 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_+_1357304... GCCGCAGATCGGGGAGAAGTT CD40LG 892 1015 1607 486 1049 1028 0.092826 0.049156 -1.045663 0.754078 0.044438 0.999736 0.284075 0.958708 -0.145793 0.070991
5579 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_+_1357304... GTCCAGTGGCCGCAGATCG CD40LG 674 768 433 468 831 714 0.160864 -0.074227 -0.574769 -0.799689 0.018987 0.999736 -0.512502 0.673486 -0.687229 0.043319
5580 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_+_1357305... GGACCCCAAATTTAGTTAATAA CD40LG 574 725 854 649 707 692 0.159356 -0.036301 -0.058829 0.411375 0.030436 0.999736 0.369766 0.848349 0.176273 0.061527
5581 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_-_1357303... GCTCTTAACTAATCCTGAGTA CD40LG 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.140832 0.030813 0.033586 0.139199 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.086393 -0.055009
5582 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_-_1357305... GCTGTGTATCTTCATAGAAGGT CD40LG 611 699 933 733 748 743 0.150602 0.118761 0.014064 0.457656 0.108243 0.973946 0.425928 0.776571 0.235860 0.134682
5583 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_-_1357305... GTATCTTCATAGAAGGTTGGACA CD40LG 676 802 542 1108 712 841 -0.066085 0.099234 0.430953 -0.253750 -0.003657 0.999843 0.342783 0.917059 0.088602 0.016574
5584 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_-_1357306... GGTTGGTTCTACCCAAATGA CD40LG 342 366 409 327 370 393 -0.027621 0.133229 -0.230914 0.283404 0.029023 0.999736 0.212633 0.959365 0.026245 0.052804
5585 Apoptosis+Cancer+Other_Cancer=CD40LG_-_1357306... GTTCTACCCAAATGATGGATGA CD40LG 410 445 718 515 622 525 0.459262 0.268832 0.005895 0.345959 0.342030 0.270834 0.373413 0.871294 0.175927 0.364047

Looks like I forgot to remove the entries with all zeros. Whoops. We can remove these rows are redo the calculations.

In [42]:
gilbert_2014_no_zeros = gilbert_2014[(gilbert_2014[['T0JEV', 'T0MH', 'treatedJEV', 'treatedMH', 'untreatedJEV', 
                                                    'untreatedMH']].apply(lambda row: sum(row), axis = 1) > 10)]
gilbert_gene_lvl = pd.DataFrame({'gene': gilbert_2014_no_zeros['gene'].unique().tolist()})
gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_stouffer_pval'] = gilbert_gene_lvl['gene'].map(lambda g: stouffers_method(gilbert_2014_no_zeros[gilbert_2014_no_zeros['gene'] == g]['essential_moderated_adj_pval'], 
                                                                                                      gilbert_2014_no_zeros[gilbert_2014_no_zeros['gene'] == g]['essential_moderated_log2fc']))
fishers_pvals = gilbert_2014_no_zeros[['gene', 'essential_moderated_adj_pval']].groupby('gene', as_index = False)\
                                                                      .agg(lambda p: combine_pvalues(p)[1])
fishers_pvals.rename(columns = {'essential_moderated_adj_pval': 'essential_fisher_pval'},
                     inplace = True)
gilbert_gene_lvl = gilbert_gene_lvl.merge(fishers_pvals, on = 'gene', how = 'inner')
print("number with stouffer N/A: ", sum(gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_stouffer_pval'].isna()))
print("number with fisher N/A: ", sum(gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_fisher_pval'].isna()))
print("number with both N/A: ", sum(gilbert_gene_lvl['essential_fisher_pval'].isna() & \
(209065, 19)
(207537, 19)
(15976, 3)
number with stouffer N/A:  0
number with fisher N/A:  0
number with both N/A:  0
In [43]:
seaborn.scatterplot(x = 'essential_fisher_pval', y = 'essential_stouffer_pval', 
                    data = gilbert_gene_lvl, alpha = 0.5, color = 'black')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='essential_fisher_pval', ylabel='essential_stouffer_pval'>

It looks like when the Stouffer value is high, the Fisher value is also high. However, when the Fisher value is high it's not necessarily true that the Stouffer value is high. This is likely because of the issues I've discussed before ( with Fisher's method in that it doesn't reward signals with a consistent direction and it's susceptibility to off-target and outlier effects.

In [44]:
# top genes
gilbert_gene_lvl.sort_values(by = 'essential_fisher_pval', ascending = True).head(20)
gene essential_stouffer_pval essential_fisher_pval
11197 SUPV3L1 0.0 0.0
1741 NBAS 0.0 0.0
15162 METTL16 0.0 0.0
4245 METAP2 0.0 0.0
6708 RTF1 0.0 0.0
3961 HSD17B10 0.0 0.0
8815 ABCB7 0.0 0.0
6428 ORC5 0.0 0.0
12114 CLNS1A 0.0 0.0
11227 TBCD 0.0 0.0
5751 EIF6 0.0 0.0
7185 ZCCHC9 0.0 0.0
11029 SHFM1 0.0 0.0
12883 MTPAP 0.0 0.0
12854 MRPS27 0.0 0.0
5773 ESF1 0.0 0.0
3549 DARS 0.0 0.0
1647 MNAT1 0.0 0.0
1627 MIS12 0.0 0.0
13358 RPL32 0.0 0.0
In [45]:
gilbert_gene_lvl.sort_values(by = 'essential_stouffer_pval', ascending = True).head(20)
gene essential_stouffer_pval essential_fisher_pval
1676 MRPS35 0.0 2.133178e-166
765 DHX16 0.0 6.340320e-118
4335 NARS2 0.0 7.454323e-33
10724 PRPF8 0.0 1.646771e-111
768 DICER1 0.0 2.090871e-152
10722 PRPF3 0.0 1.430806e-155
11793 ACTR10 0.0 1.286949e-80
772 DIS3 0.0 2.115976e-36
10710 PPWD1 0.0 8.043431e-91
8689 TMEM261 0.0 6.947308e-28
9271 CENPC 0.0 3.202081e-174
785 DLST 0.0 4.991865e-78
9269 CENPA 0.0 1.263108e-175
2213 PTTG1 0.0 4.133527e-74
10702 PPIE 0.0 4.294164e-87
789 DNA2 0.0 3.718237e-141
13948 XRN2 0.0 2.024498e-64
14893 GPN2 0.0 1.184472e-196
5252 TRAPPC5 0.0 1.548175e-149
6708 RTF1 0.0 0.000000e+00

Now we can test the performance using the essential gene list from Hart et al 2014. This was generated from separate RNAi screens across multiple cell lines (probably including K562 because it's the most common cell line).

In [47]:
essential_genes = pd.read_csv("core-essential-genes-sym_HGNCID.txt", header = None, 
                              sep = '\t', names = ['gene', 'hgnc'])
gene hgnc
1 AARS2 HGNC:21022
4 AATF HGNC:19235
In [48]:
In [51]:
essential_gene_mask = (gilbert_gene_lvl['gene'].isin(essential_genes['gene']))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
                 ax = ax, color = 'darkred', label = 'stouffer', kde = False, bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 20))
                 ax = ax, color = 'skyblue', label = 'fisher', kde = False, bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 20))
ax.set_xlabel('gene-level p-value')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13ca0f5e0>

Looks like the fisher and stouffer agree on the clear signal genes, while stouffer shows lower p-values for a large number of genes that fisher is uncertain about. What about the "non-essential" genes? I put non-essential in quotes because we don't actually know if they are non-essential or not, but the majority should be.

In [52]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
                 ax = ax, color = 'darkred', label = 'stouffer', kde = False, bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 20))
                 ax = ax, color = 'skyblue', label = 'fisher', kde = False, bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 20))
ax.set_xlabel('gene-level p-value')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13c79cd00>

Interesting that Fisher's method is very bimodal, while Stouffer's method is a lot more smooth. This is one reason why I prefer Stouffer's.

In [ ]:
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